Rapid Tournament: Results

Our Autumn/Winter Rapid Tournament was played over 12 rounds on four dates between September and December 2022. A total of 33 people played in the tournament; although only one person played in all twelve rounds, that was not a problem as we were happy for players to drop in as they felt like it. Several new players used the tournament to play their first games of competitive chess, which was part of our aim; we hope that they enjoyed it, and we welcome them back to our future events.

The overall winner was Alex Drimbarean, with 10 points. Second was Pete Morriss on 8½, and third Karolina Bronnikova on 6 – although Karolina couldn’t play in either of our last two sessions, which was unfortunate as she was leading at the half-way stage. The Rating Prize was won by Scott Reilly, with 4 points. The enthusiasm prize, for playing in all twelve rounds, goes to Jarek Wieczorek.

Full scores are as follows. The number in brackets is the number of games played. Note that players were allowed two half-point byes for games missed, so it was possible to get more points than games played. (Otherwise, standard scoring was used, of a point for a win, half a point for a draw, and nothing for a loss.)

10: Alex Drimbarean (11)
8½: Pete Morriss (11)
6: Karolina Bronnikova (6)
5½: Ross Du Berry (6)
5: Jarek Wieczorek (12), Gavin Hicks (6), David O’Connell (6), Dara Jennings (6)

4½: Alla Bronnikova (6), Andrew Barber (6)
4: Scott Reilly (6), Gourang Jiddewar (9), Shane Whyte (6), Paul Ward (6), Bryn Edwards (6)
3½: Andrew Finnerty (8)
3: Martin Marcant (6), Jack Sheridan (6), Valerie Nestor (3), Frank Healey (7), Diego Pereiro Rodriguez (3), Jack Hanna (3), Jake Blackhurst (3), Siofra Finnerty (6)
2: Donal O’Donnell (3), Adrenne Reigh (3), Barry Breen (6), Maureen Gallagher (3), Shawna Scott (6)
1: Muire McLoughlan (3), Kiaran Finn (3), Rhys O’Halloran (2), Karel Mampouma (1)

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