Our Autumn Rapidplay tournament concludes on Thursday 16th November. You can play in it whether or not you have played in previous rounds: just show up at our venue upstairs in the Bridge Centre, St. Mary’s Road between 7 and 7.20 p.m. to register. People who arrive later may not get to play in the first of the evening’s three rounds, but will be able to play in the remaining two.
As before, this tournament is particularly suitable for people who think of themselves as beginners, or who want to try out a chess club for the first time, as we will try to ensure that they play against others in the same position. (If they then win their first game or two, they will have the chance of a crack at some of our more experienced players.) That said, after the first six rounds there is currently a close contest at the top between some of the club’s leading players.
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