Galway Chess Club will resume its regular weekly meetings with our September Blitz tournament on Thursday 27 September. As usual, it will be held upstairs in Galway Bridge Centre, St Mary’s Road – opposite St Mary’s School. Please be there for 7.45 to enter; we expect it to finish around 11. As usual, there will be 7 rounds, at a speed of 5 minutes plus 5 seconds a move.
As this will be our first meeting of the regular season, there will be no entry fee (and therefore no money prizes). Instead, you will be able to pay your annual subscription – so that you can come to all our events for free throughout the autumn, winter, and spring. But anybody who is new to the club and is thinking of maybe, possibly, joining but isn’t sure what they will get for their (small amount of) money, is welcome to come along to the blitz and try it out, for free.
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